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Let’s Talk (952) 894-9888
Let’s Talk (952) 894-9888

Share the Care Program

An image of a diverse age group jumping in the air. Text over it reads "Happy, healthy? Share it!!"

Because we LOVE helping YOU feel better, we want to reward YOU for sharing us with your friends and family to help THEM feel better too!!

That’s why we created our special Share the Care program to show our appreciation to YOU when you refer a new patient to us!

Here’s how it works. When someone you refer to us becomes a new patient, they will receive a Consultation, Exam, 1 Area of X-Ray (if necessary), & 1st Treatment for only $45 and YOU will get $25 on account when they mention your name! It’s that simple!

So, Share the Care with your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors and you BOTH are rewarded – it just doesn’t get better than that!  Your referral rewards could really stack up and those you refer will come to know and love the care we provide too!

We can’t wait to start helping those you care about, feel better too, so start referring today!

Happy, healthy?  Share it!!

See you soon!

The Team at Amesbarry Chiropractic

Amesbarry Chiropractic

3000 West County Road 42
Burnsville, MN 55337
*First floor of the Southcross Commons Building.
Also serving Savage, MN and surrounding areas.

Phone: (952) 894-9888

Office Hours

Monday & Wednesday: 8am – 6pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 8am – 12pm
Friday: 7:30am – 4pm