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Back Adjustments

August 1, 2024

By some estimates, as many as 85% of people suffer from back pain. While there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for back issues, chiropractic adjustments can make a huge difference. A local Savage, MN chiropractor discusses back adjustments in this article.

What Are The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care?

Back adjustments can be beneficial in many ways. First and foremost, they can relieve pain and improve range of motion. These two things are often the main goals patients have when seeking treatment. However, there are also many secondary benefits. These may vary from person to person, but can include improved joint function, reduced muscle tightness, better circulation, and improved organ function. Many patients also report lower anxiety. (This makes sense: back pain can be extremely stressful!) People who are recovering from accidents or illnesses, or medical procedures may have improved healing times. Other potential benefits include improved quality of life, better sleep, and even reduced anxiety.

What Are Chiropractic Appointments Like?

Understandably, the thought of having your back cracked can be a bit overwhelming at first.  (Tip: it’s a good idea to bring a list of questions to your first appointment.) 

The treatments are very safe. When you go to have your back adjusted, your chiropractor will position you in a specific way. For example, many back adjustments are done with the person lying face down on a padded table. The chiropractor will then precisely apply force to the spine, using their hands. You may hear that telltale ‘pop’ as your spine is moved back into its proper position. 

How Can I Keep My Back Healthy?

Caring for your back isn’t a one-and-done task: it’s ongoing, and is crucial to your health and well-being. After all, your spine is your lifeline! Proper posture is key, but good back care doesn’t stop there. 

Here are some back care tips: 

  • Sleep Well Did you know that sleeping poorly can cause or contribute to back problems? If you’ve been considering upgrading your mattress, this is the year to do it. An old or soft mattress that sags won’t provide the support needed for proper rest. You can also make small adjustments. For instance, if you sleep on your side, try putting a pillow between your knees. 
  • Exercise There’s only one rule that applies to almost everyone when it comes to exercise: everybody needs some. How much activity you need, and what type you need, will depend on a variety of factors, including your age, weight, health, and, of course, personal preferences. That said, a good exercise regimen will help strengthen the muscles that support your spine. Ask your doctor and chiropractor for specific recommendations. 
  • Lift Properly Have you ever strained your back by trying to move or lift something? Even if you haven’t, you likely know someone who did. Always use proper posture–and, if necessary, equipment–when moving things, regardless of how heavy they are. 
  • Get Proper Footwear All of your body weight is balanced on your feet. It’s very important to make sure that your weight is being supported. Shoes that don’t fit properly and/or don’t give you enough support can cause you to roll your foot out or in. That can definitely cause issues with your neck and back. 
  • Get Regular Massages Massages aren’t just a luxury. They do help relax you, but they also provide some wonderful physical benefits. They also help ease muscle tension, improve mobility, and help with circulation, all of which in turn contribute to a healthy spine. 
  • Don’t Ignore Pain. It’s very important to listen to your body. If you’re feeling pain, tightness, or reduced mobility, address it immediately. Chiropractic care can help with many of these issues. 

Are Chiropractic Adjustments Good For Your Back?

Numerous studies have shown that chiropractic treatments can be very beneficial in treating back pain. Many back issues involve misalignments of the spine, which is what chiropractic care specifically addresses. 

That said, chiropractic treatment isn’t going to be the right path for everyone. If you have any of the following conditions, definitely see your primary care physician. 

You may also need to go to a specialist.

  • Herniated discs
  • Slipped discs
  • Arthritis 
  • Fractures
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Vertebral Fractures

Do Chiropractors Really Realign Your Spine?

Your chiropractor will use pressure to manipulate joints in your body to realign your spine and reduce pain and discomfort. Chiropractic adjustments complement the traditional medical care you receive.

How Often Should You Get Chiropractic Adjustments?

When you are just starting out with a new treatment plan, you may initially need several appointments fairly close together. As you begin to heal, the number and frequency of adjustments may decrease. 

However, this is just a very general idea. Every person is different, so it will ultimately depend on what the issue is that you’re being treated for, how quickly your body heals, and how you progress. 

Be sure to talk to your doctor and chiropractor before determining a course of treatment. Your doctor and chiropractor will reevaluate regularly, and adjust the treatment plan as needed. Some people will benefit the most from short-term treatments, while others need adjustments regularly for years or even decades. 

Having an open line of communication—and mutual understanding of expectations—with your Savage, MN chiropractor is key. 

What Causes Back Pain? 

Back pain can be caused by a variety of issues, including strains, accidents, injuries, poor posture, overuse, and even carrying heavy backpacks. 

Here are a few common culprits: 

  • Muscle or ligament strain These can be caused by lifting heavy objects, repetitively and/or improperly. They don’t have to happen as part of some huge effort to move furniture: sometimes, just moving wrong or in an awkward way can cause a strain,
  • Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis causes disintegration of bone tissue. With this condition, the spine’s vertebrae can break if the bones become porous and brittle.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis (axial spondyloarthritis). This is an inflammatory disease that can cause the bones in the spine to fuse. 
  • Bulging or ruptured discs. The disks in your spine act as padding for your vertebrae. Occasionally, that tissue can rupture, or end up pressing on a nerve. 
  • Arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in seniors. It can also have an effect on the lower back. It sometimes causes a decrease in the space around the spinal cord. This is called spinal stenosis. 

Of course, these are just a few of the many possible issues. If you’re having back pain, reach out to your primary care doctor. 

Who Is At Risk Of Back Pain?

Back problems and pain can affect anybody, even little kids. There are some risk factors, though. These include the following: 

Anyone can develop back pain, even children and teens. These factors can increase the risk of developing back pain:

  • Age:
  • Lack of exercise
  • Obesity
  • Medical Issues
  • Unsafe Lifting
  • Overuse
  • Mental Health Issues (Anxiety)
  • Smoking

If any of these risk factors apply to you, reach out to your doctor and take steps to reduce your risk. Exercising regularly, using proper protocols while lifting, and quitting smoking can all make significant impacts. 

Make An Appointment At Our Savage, MN Chiropractic Care Center

Are you experiencing neck or back pain? Do you want to book a consultation? Contact us here at Amesbarry Chiropractic your Savage, MN chiropractic care center!

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